Classes, Workshops, & Book Clubs
Below you will find descriptions of events designed to help you learn and grow your spiritual practice while gathering in person with like-minded individuals.
If you're ready to sign up for one (or more!), please visit Sign Up for Events and follow the instructions at the top of the page.
Come gather 'round the Hearth with us!
Please note:
Class/Workshop fees cover supplies and instruction, and some classes have prerequisites due to the supplies offered. All supplies provided and creations made are yours to keep. Book Clubs are free to join.
In-person Classes
Witchcraft 101: $55​
Come learn about your personal Resonance and how it informs everything you do, the Importance of Intent in witchcraft and energy workings, and the basics of how to work with Herbs & Stones.
Supplies provided - cauldron, charcoals, tongs, base plate, lighter, herbs, stones, linen bag, sage, selenite plate.
Witchcraft 201: $55​
***Witchcraft 101 must be taken before attending this class***
We dive deeper here into the concepts of Cleansing & Warding, learn about authentic Manifestation & Protection practices, and how to Incorporate the Craft into daily life.
Supplies provided (some supplies will be brought from previous W101 Class) - extra charcoals, herbs, stones, oils to create your own Protection mix, and a small vial to store it.
Shadow Work: $40​​
Here we explore in-depth what it means to work with our Shadow Self, and how to begin a productive Shadow Work. journey, then move on to a journaling exercise before experience a gentle, integrative meditation in zero gravity chairs. There will be time for questions & answers after the meditation.
Supplies provided - notebook, pen.
Shielding: $40​​
In this class we discuss the general practice of Shielding and how it can benefit you in your daily life. You will then be led through a guided meditation to help you discover your own personal shield while relaxing in zero gravity chairs. After the meditation, there will be time to journal around what came up for you and a question & answer session.
Supplies provided - notebook, pen.
Sigils: $40​​
Learn the art of creating Sigils and the intense magick they can represent before being led to craft your own for a particular intention. There will be options for charging your Sigil that I will guide you through individually, and you will leave with your finished, charged Sigil.
Supplies provided - paper, pencil, pen, Elder Futhark chart, charging options.
Book Clubs
Time & Date TBD​ (likely Spring)
Book: Heal the Witch Wound, Celeste Larsen
Time & Date - Beginning Wednesday, January 15 @ 6pm​
We will meet each Wednesday for 5 weeks​
Book: Heal the Witch Wound, Celeste Larsen
​In this workshop, you will be given eight stones to hold individually, and a notebook and pen to record your intuitive knowledge about them. We will then discuss the documented uses and energies of the stones, so that you can learn to trust how your body receives energy. The combination of the documented uses and the information you received intuitively is how your physical self interacts with that stone. You will also be given a pouch in which to take your stones home.
​In this workshop, you will be given supplies to create your own Witch Ball, including herbs, stones, talismans, paper to write an intention, and ribbon to hang. Witch Balls are a great way to create a spell that can sit or hang anywhere and create or shift the energies in that space.
Balance Spell Jars: $40​​
In this workshop, you will be given supplies to create a spell jar with the intent to increase the balance in your life, including herbs, stones, a special ingredient, paper to write an intention, and sealing wax. This creates a beautiful, portable magickal working you can carry with you, place in your car or desk, or put in your home to affect the energy of that space.
Manifestation Boxes: $40​​
In this workshop, you will be given supplies to curate a manifestation box, including the box itself, herbs & a pouch to hold them, stones, and paper to write out the vibration you seek to emulate. These boxes are a great way to have the energy of your Manifestation Spell accessible in your space in a surreptitious, aesthetically pleasing way.

Instruction for Beginners & Intermediate Readers
Date & Time (Coming Soon!)
Six-week course covering the basics of Tarot with instruction, homework, and live peer reading during class.
Robin Wood tarot deck, Class instruction book, notebook, and pen provided.
Learn the meanings of the Major Arcana, the suits and number meanings of the Minor Arcana and the interplay between them, how aspecting works to create a new language, and how to read for those around you without fear.