Energy Work
What is Energy Work?
We are all connected through an invisible web of energy. You may have experienced this when you met your spouse, child, or even a close friend, and recognized how you resonated right they felt like you or like they were part of you...a 'Knowing', so to speak. Even walking into a room where an argument has just been taking place and feeling that heaviness in the air shows the power of the vibrations we give off and receive every day.
This energy that surrounds us all can also be used in helping us heal if we learn to direct it, creating focused waves of love, peace, joy, balance, alignment, and repair toward our bodies and energetic centers. This is all Energy Work really is - the focusing of the energy that comes naturally to us and flows around us at all times.
I strongly encourage you to do some digging into the science of Cymatics and Cymatic patterns to explore visual representations of how beautifully matter can be affected by vibration.​
Are you reading my mind when you do Energy Work?
Absolutely not. Not only is that not what Energy Work is for, but it would be a horrible violation of privacy even if it were. I am simply holding space for you, becoming a focused channel between you and Spirit as you heal yourself, allowing the sacred energy to flow in the best way to create harmony and balance within you.
What kind of things can be addressed through Energy Work?
Many clients seek out Energy Work simply for a rebalancing and realignment of their energetic bodies, almost like an energetic reset. However, issues with self-confidence, trouble speaking up for yourself, difficulty in relating to others, feeling stuck, and many other things can all be explored and rebalanced through Energy Work, as well.
Can Energy Work heal tumors or broken limbs?
In my belief system and my practice, I find balance to be essential. Peppermint oil for a headache and a doctor for a broken arm, for example. Energy Work has its very important place on that spectrum, to be supportive and assistive with traditional healing modalities, as well as removing fear and stress and creating harmony and alignment energetically within the body. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical or mental health care, but rather an addition to, if needed.
Do you receive messages or information that you pass on?
This does happen on occasion. When we are working together in this way, it creates a beautiful space for things to flow. Should anything come through for you I will share it with you after the session, and you can decide whether to simply absorb the information or if we discuss it further.
Are you doing Reiki?
Not exactly. Reiki is a very specific kind of Energy Work with specific guidelines, rules, and training. So in essence, all Reiki is Energy Work, but not all Energy Work is Reiki.
I never sought out training in any specific kind of Energy Work, though I have been a professional practitioner for some time. I simply do what I have done intuitively for decades since I was a child to help hold space for those who need energy shifted within and around them, and have seen incredible results in my clients. This is one of the abilities I'm most grateful for, as it allows me to be in sacred service to those who need it.